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TARA membership is open to public and private road oriented firms; transport operators and association; construction equipment manufacturers, suppliers and operators; Government and national institutions; professional institutions and trade associations; academic institutions; consultants and contractors; road safety bodies; oil companies; insurance companies; and any individuals with interest in roads and road transport.

TARA have six categories  of members, namely Corporate members, Associate member, Professional members, Ordinary members, Honorary members and Temporary members who are admitted by the Management of TARA in accordance with Article 14 of the TARA Constitution.

Any individual, firm or institution desiring to become a member of TARA may send his/her/its application to the Executive Secretary of TARA and upon acceptance by the Management; the applicant shall be admitted as a Member in the category applied for.

To apply for membership fill and submit the following application form

I/We* further submit that if admitted to the Association I/We* will abide by the Constitution, By-Laws and Regulations of TARA.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf.

*1 Delete whichever is inapplicable 
**2 Applicable only in case of Corporate Membership. 
• Registration fees for Advisory/Professional and Honorary membership is TShs. 20,000/= and Annual Subscription is TShs. 20,000/=. 
• Registration fees for Corporate membership is TShs. 100,000/= and Annual Subscription is TShs. 100,000/=.